Mimosas and rain

Julian Tuwim wrote, and Czesław Niemen sang, that “autumn begins with mimosas”. And although the author probably mistook mimosas (which don’t even grow in Poland) for ordinary goldenrod (which does, at this time of the year), there can be no doubt that it’s now autumn. Unfortunately, in Poland and several other countries in the region, the end of summer also brought with it catastrophic flooding
Everyone rushed to the worst affected areas to do what they could to help: firefighters, the army, the police, paramedics and medical services, local and state officials, local activists and, above all, residents, neighbours and volunteers. And throughout the country, people have been raising money and donating gifts for those in desperate need. Local residents (and also their relatives and friends who have come in from elsewhere in the country to lend a hand) mobilised to reinforce the flood defences together. The emergency services have managed to evacuate the locals, rescue animals, and help to ensure that what the evacuees left behind survived and does not fall into the wrong hands. Drone operators, the owners of jet skis, kayaks, boats and motorboats, the owners of generators and Starlink devices, bus and truck drivers, and many others have all offered their support, often providing their services free of charge. Once again, the Poles (and not only us – the same goes for our
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