Pay packets repackaged

Human resources
The post-pandemic “new reality” also brought with it soaring inflation followed by an interest rate squeeze and an economic downturn. Naturally, such factors have had an impact on the salaries in Poland and elsewhere in the region. Are real estate professionals’ wages in the CEE region catching up with those in the West? And which positions are currently the most sought-after?
In Poland and other Central and Eastern European countries, salaries for commercial real estate positions are lower than in Western Europe, but a rising trend is noticeable, points out Oskar Kasiński, the CEO of HR Design Group, who goes on to explain: “These differences are primarily due to higher wages, living costs, competition, and a more developed capital market in Western Europe. Poland and other CEE countries, despite rising wages, remain an attractive labour market for international investors due to lower operational costs.” According to HR Design Group’s figures, in Poland leasing managers earn an average of PLN 15,000–20,000 gross (app. EUR 3,500–5,000) per month, whereas in Western European countries, such as Germany or France, salaries for similar positions range from EUR 5,000 to even EUR 9,000 per month. Project managers in Poland, meanwhile, can expect to earn between PLN 18,000–25,000, but in Western Europe such monthly salaries star
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