Metropolis, now!

As most Brits know, the oldest underground railway system in the world is the one in London, which opened in 1863. What amazes me is that its electrification didn’t occur until 1890, even though the first commercial electric motor was developed in 1834
This meant that anyone commuting to work had to brave the hot dank smoke of the tunnels, but despite the filthy conditions, many did. They probably all looked like coal miners when they arrived at work; but despite such discomforts, the London Underground proved extremely popular. After all, there were no mainline railway lines in the centre of the city. This was not the end of the quirks of travelling around London in this way. Occasionally, you would find that the line heading in one direction was owned by a totally separate company to the one heading the opposite way and each would have its own separate stations and ticketing systems. The Warsaw Metro, on the other hand, is one of the world’s more modern systems, having first opened in 1995. Engineers and civil planners were thus able to learn from such previous mistakes. When I first arrived in Poland, this was a hot topic. The first line was still under construction and was yet to open. When it did, it ran from Wilanowska st
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