A very British journey

Small talk
Jonathan Cohen, who is well-known on the Warsaw building consultancy scene, has now been appoint head of construction at Polish warehouse developer MDC2. Eurobuild caught up with him for a chat about the reasons why and how he now sees the market
You’ve been working and living in Poland since 1997, and I’ve known you for nearly all that time. Initially, you came here as a quantity surveyor before moving into building consultancy – and recently you joined warehouse developer MDC2 as head of construction. Does this represent a significant change in the type of work you are now going to do? Jonathan Cohen, head of construction, MDC2: It has been a long journey. Quantity surveying, which is a very “British” profession, provided me with some of the basic tools allowing me to transition into project management and technical building consultancy. I guess the biggest leap was the move into development back in 2006 (at QPG now Avestus), which opened my eyes to new areas such as project development, investment, project finance, asset management, leasing and property management. The last 13 years, when I’ve been in building consultancy, were also incredibly valuable, particularly given the number and v
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