There’s no place like the old office

Office & mixed-use development
According to the latest research, renegotiations of office leases in Poland have recently hit record highs – accounting for almost 46 pct of leases in 2024 in Warsaw (according to CBRE) and 51 pct in Poland’s regional cities (Newmark Polska)
To encourage tenants to stay in their current locations, office managers are having to work overtime to meet their needs, as they strive to adapt to changing trends and market conditions. The longest five years The contracts renegotiated last year were generally first signed in and around 2020, just as the pandemic broke out. Due to the subsequent shifts in the standard working model – the trend for hybrid and remote work – as well as the reductions in staff levels and the adoption of videoconferencing, office space has undergone a total transformation. As a result, firms in 2024 had completely different needs and the office contracts signed have had to reflect this. As Bartosz Oleksak, the associate director for office space at Axi Immo, explains: “The last five years have seen huge changes to the office market, mainly as a result of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, which engendered huge uncertainty. Tenants began to streamline the space they occupy and hybrid
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