And since we’re on the subject of early spring... Women’s Day has always been a symbol of the first day of spring, since it falls on March 21st. For me, it is like the first swallow of the season – and that’s because of all the tulips. These days, it’s easy to buy a bouquet of these flowers at any time of the year – even in the middle of winter. However, this once seemed like mission impossible (but maybe only because I grew up in the so-called provinces and not in a European capital). So, when I used to receive such a symbolic tulip from my school classmates, it was always a sign that spring was in the air.
This is also a time of year associated with optimism, hope and growth. And so, we are taking an optimistic look at how to maximise the value of warehouse assets through introducing new technology and sustainable development. Spring is when everything turns green. And that’s probably why we are taking another look at green investment financ