What crisis?

At the moment there is a lot of optimism on the Polish office market. Poland has managed to avoid the worst effectsof the financial crisis, which has stirred up the interest of investors. Our market has a dominant position in the region thanks to the high demand from tenants in the BPO/SSC sector. Green, in turn, is the most fashionable colour in the business, not only in Poland, but also in other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. these were some of the conclusions of the??Office and FM Market in Central Europe' conference
Eurobuild's first conference of the year was dedicated to the office market, and it took place on March 28th at the Intercontinental?Hotel in Warsaw. The first speakers discussed the situation in Poland - and the economic and financial crisis in particular. Anna Kot of Jones Lang LaSalle was the moderator of the ?Recession or no recession, that is the question?' panel. As she emphasised at the beginning of the presentation, in spite of everyone talking about the ongoing crisis, it's one that doesn't seem evident from the market data. The Polish office market continues to develop dynamically. Developers are working hard and - as a result - 450,000 sqm of new office space will have been built by the end of 2012. Another 500,000 sqm should also have been completed by the end of next year. The climate for investors is improving thanks to the high demand generated by the rapidly growing BPO/SSC sector, among other factors. The next speaker, Krystian Bestry, a representative of Infosys BPO E
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