What should I write about this time? Architecture? Done that already, in fact a few times. Complaints about various things? Done - actually, in every column. An investment overview? Same again. The future outlook? Who wants to read another gloomy column about 2012? An overview of the previous year? Who cares, it's already gone. A look back at my first 2011 column? OK, we could give that a try.So, at the end of 2010 I put together a list of suggestions, little things and not so little things that could make Warsaw a better place to live in over the year. The mayor of Warsaw was hopefully to read it and start ticking the boxes. Did it help? Let me see (taking some time to pore over the January 2011 column). Well, no, not really. We did get a Gap store though, as someone in the column requested, but the rest of the new year's resolutions remained just wishes: Warsaw remains a difficult city to navigate for mothers with prams and pushchairs as well as for handicapped people; bus drivers st