Breezy man

Amnon Shiboleth, the chairman of the board of the Blue City mixed-use scheme in Warsaw, can’t take his hands off his BlackBerry. With ambitious plans underway 
– a shopping centre and even 
an exclusive warsaw hotel – we can’t blame him. But what about the crisis? It’s not the end of the world, he tells ‘Eurobuild CEE’ Mladen Petrov, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: Welcome back to Warsaw. Since you have just come from New York, I am expecting some good news, finally. Yes, there is a recession, but we are also seeing some good signs, Goldman Sachs’ record profits to name just one. Give me some more good examples…Amnon Shiboleth: I have good and bad news for you. The recession hit New York very badly. Just a few days ago I walked down Madison Avenue counting the empty stores, looking for tenants. So, from 57th Street on to 72nd Street on Madison, I counted 17-18 empty stores
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