Desperately seeking specialists

Classified ads, industry portals, recruitment agencies – the range of recruitment tools available is wide.Which of them are worth choosing?Zuzanna WiakAccording to Krajowy Związek Pracodawców Budowlanych (the National Construction Employers’ Association), Poland has a shortage of 120-150,000 employees in the construction sector. It is also difficult to find an expert with significant experience of the real estate sector. So how can this be done as quickly and efficiently as possible? The most popular means of finding employees are still the classified ads, first of all in daily newspapers, but it is often worthwhile to use several recruitment tools. “Placing classified ads in newspapers is still a very effective tool for finding employees. However, the most efficient way, which is used by my company, is the mixed method, combining, among others, ads in the media, analysis of the&n
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