A good look at ourselves

Six months ago we relaunched our magazine in its new form – renamed, with wider coverage of the other cee countries, and also with a refreshed graphical layout. We were building on 10 years’ experience of publishing on the Polish market as ‘Eurobuild Poland’. What do our readers think of us? We can now reveal all...Ewa Andrzejewskat one appointment to discuss some new projects and market trends, we entered an office, sat down and waited. The receptionist informed our interviewee that we had arrived and we continued our wait. With nothing better to do, we glanced around at the table and shelves standing nearby and the so-called ‘time killers’ lying on them. And then we spotted an issue of ‘Eurobuild CEE’, dog-eared, with lots of scribbled notes or other additions (especially on the photographs) and with several pages torn out. Quite awful and much manhandled. And yet we beg to differ. This is the most splendid sight in the world for
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  • Archive containing data and information from the commercial real estate and construction market in Poland and the CEE region, collected over 27 years;
  • Eurojobs
  • Eurobuild FM


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