A good look at ourselves

Six months ago we relaunched our magazine in its new form – renamed, with wider coverage of the other cee countries, and also with a refreshed graphical layout. We were building on 10 years’ experience of publishing on the Polish market as ‘Eurobuild Poland’. What do our readers think of us? We can now reveal all...

Ewa Andrzejewskat one appointment to discuss some new projects and market trends, we entered an office, sat down and waited. The receptionist informed our interviewee that we had arrived and we continued our wait. With nothing better to do, we glanced around at the table and shelves standing nearby and the so-called ‘time killers’ lying on them. And then we spotted an issue of ‘Eurobuild CEE’, dog-eared, with lots of scribbled notes or other additions (especially on the photographs) and with several pages torn out. Quite awful and much manhandled. And yet we beg to differ. This is the most splendid sight in the world for a publisher – proof that the magazine really is read. This, and many other similar observations, have been confirmed by research we commissioned that has been undertaken by MillwardBrown SMG/KRC. The resulting report, Readers’ Habits and Appraisal of Eurobuild CEE Magazine, proves that one copy of the magazine is read by more than four people (almost 60 pct of those polled). Furthermore, one copy has a long life-cycle, since 86 pct of those who take the magazine return to issues which they had read about earlier. To our lasting regret, no huge sums will be paid for back-issues – since copies tend to be left for perusal in commonly accessible places in the office (44.4 pct), are collected (35.3 pct) or delivered to specific people (14.2 pct).

Almost makes a difference

The over

“Almost – but not quite,” is a criticism we fully take on board. The average mark we were given in a scale from 1 to 6 was 4.6 – almost as good as a top student’s school report. But a lot of work lies ahead to make the magazine even better. At the moment, however, 91.6 pct of readers awarded us at least ‘good’ marks. On the other hand,

Keeping up-to-date

Our monthly magazine does provide some competition to the daily press, something which may seem hard to believe. The cost-free daily newsletter we publish in Polish and English sets us up as rivals of the daily media. Almost 60 pct of the magazine’s readers can see the effect of our efforts in this endeavour and do so on the day of delivery (78.6 pct). The very idea of disseminating specialist information this way is applauded by the great majority of the magazine’s readers (91.3 pct), since it provides up-to-date access to information – which is the opinion of at least 81.6 pct of those polled – while another 74.8 pct agree that the scope of the information is well selected. In addition to this, 62.1 pct feel that the newsletters are helpful at work.

Sexual equality
