Why build small intimate housing estates when 
a whole district can be created in one go? Investors in the CEE region are considering bold plans to develop micro-cities near large conurbations. but How many will actually be new towns and how many will end up simply as dormitory districts for larger cities? And how 
is it possible to make good money from such large scale investments Mladen Petrov At the beginning this was all just fields – a wide expanse, but near the beautiful Wilanów Royal Palace. The former residence of Polish monarchs is visited today by crowds of tourists, but investors and potential real estate entrepreneurs are attracted by the nearby meadows that have become one of Poland’s major building sites. An area totalling almost 170-ha has attracted 
14 investors, who are planning homes for 25,000 residents, with large areas of greenery, shopping, office complexes and a school. In other words – Miasteczko Wilanów (Wilanów Small T