Eurobuild TV

Eurobuild's special Christmas event 2022

"Eurobuild" and its frieds met up in a restaurant run by refugees in Warsaw’s Praga Północ district to make some pierogi and to raise funds to help Ukraine. See the report from thi ...

The 2022 Eurobuild Awards Gala

For the 12th time it all went with a bang! The winners of the Eurobuild Awards 2022 have been announced to almost 900 guests of the Awards Gala, who were gathered September 27th, 2 ...

The Christmas chain gang

Enjoy watching our Christmas movie, which is also available as a comic book in the December issue of the magazine!

The Eurobuild Awards Gala 2020

April 2, World Autism Awareness Day

Tax revolution for real estate

Light it up Blue

On April 2nd, the real estate sector got together to take part in ‘Light it up Blue’. This global campaign is to raise autism awareness and express solidarity with those who live w ...

The 10th Eurobuild Awards Gala

Robert Dobrzycki's Outstanding Contribution to the Real Estate Market

In 2019 the Eurobuild Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Real Estate Market was created to honour the person that has most contributed to the development of the market over ...

The many advantages of forward funding

"Forward funding transaction require a certain engagement and the right know-how. Many investors, however, can see many advantages in this form of transaction, because they are usu ...

Lots of deals by the year-end

"The end of the year looks like it will be a very busy time. Many transactions are close to completion. According to our sources, this could amount to between 50 and 60 deals," say ...

Does proptech give you a competitive advantage?

Eurobuild CEE Golf and Tennis Tournaments

The 18th annual Eurobuild CEE Golf Tournament and the 14th Annual Eurobuild CEE Tennis Tournament were both held on June 28th 2019. One took place at the First Warsaw Golf & CC gol ...

Better located with BTS

Finding skilled workers is a common headache for production companies. Marzena Tkaczuk, the BTS development director at Panattoni Development Europe explains how BTS and BTO projec ...

One retailer in four uses AI

WORLD “In 2016 around 4 pct of retailers were using artificial intelligence. Now we are seeing that this figure has risen to around 28 pct or over one in four retailers. We think t ...

Safety through the eyes of kids

Chmielna 89 under construction

EUR 130 mln for Modlin Fortress first stage

The Konkret Group is planning a number of projects with investment costs of EUR 1.2 bln in Modlin.

Real estate sector for autism

The Autism Awareness Month starts on April 2nd with the ‘Blue for Autism’ campaign. Every year the annual event organised by the Synapsis Foundation is supported by companies from ...

Eurobuild Awards Gala 2018


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