Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts ready for Poland

"As a company, we are definitely looking to expand our brand into Poland," told us Amir Lababedi, vice president, development, Europe & South Africa, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts.
"In terms of investment, probably not, but we will be moving to the country in the form of management contracts and hotel leases. So that is the manner that we would like to develop the brand in the country. We firmly believe that in Poland there is the market, We believe we could be present in a couple, two or three markets in the country, at least," said vice president, development, Europe & South Africa, Mövenpick Hotels & Resorts.

"I think Warsaw, Wrocław are two markets we are particularly interested in. There is also Kraków and Poznań, and Tricity area as well, as markets we would like to get exposure to. There is a form of supply coming in, every project should be treated o a case-to-case basis.


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