Cycle and help

"We want to welcome you to Poleczki Park’s Bike Day. Today we are raising money for the charity Rak'n'Roll. We need people to pedal for as many kilometers as they can. Those taking part are the staff of our tenants and we hope today will be a great success," said Jakub Mirosławski of UBM Polska.

"We’ve been invited here by UBM Polska. We’re trying to clock up the kilometers for charity in order to fight cancer," said radosław Kozubski of Bike2Box. Bike Days are there for us to promote taking the bike to work. This year’s Bike Day has been organized together with the charity Rak'n'Roll. Bicycles are about healthy living and the charity tries to promote a healthy way of life. We have joined forces to encourage both the people in real estate and our tenants to join our campaign to pedal out the kilometers and promote a healthy way of life. We have a lot of bikes here - most of them belong to those employees of our tenants who came to work today by bike. We repair and maintain the bikes and we’ve been doing it- especially in this building - for years.

"Every kilometer ridden during Bike Day represents financial help in fighting cancer. If you allow Bike Day and Rak'n'Roll to hold the event on your property, you can help the fight against cancer and we’ll pay you back by sharing our knowledge and our positive energy," said Łukasz Kościuczuk of Rak'n'Roll.


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