Eurobuild TV: More speculative investments on warehouse market

“In the first half 300,000 sqm of new warehousing space was completed, while another 800,000 sqm is under construction – around 10 pct of which is speculative space. Such numbers reveal the level of optimism and trust among developers,“ – said Tomasz Mika, head of industrial Poland at JLL.
“Speculative real estate is being built in Wrocław, but we believe that new projects will also be built near Poznań, Kraków and the TriCity. In the first half of the year, lease contracts were signed for 900,000 sqm, of which half of million sqm was in new contracts. The most popular space is near Wrocław and Poznań, but the Warsaw, Silesia and Central Poland regions were also in demand. Traditionally, the largest number of contracts have been signed with logistics service providers. In the last years, these amounted to around 30 pct of all contracts. This year the figure is over 40 pct, which shows that the trend for logistics services outsourcing is growing. Additionally, more e-commerce companies are looking to lease warehouse space,” said Tomasz Mika, dyrektor działu powierzchni magazynowo-przemysłowych w Polsce, JLL. At the end of June the supply of modern warehousing came to 8 mln sqm.


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