Eurobuild TV: Office tenants want places to talk

Tenants these days expect that offices will offer pleasant and interesting areas for conversations and meetings, as well as for working in silence. “What tenants are now looking for are platforms for the exchange of information,” says Rafał Mazurczak, the director of the office and hotel department of Echo Investment.
“On the office market what counts most these days is the labour force – and to get the most talented personnel, one has to provide a decent work place and a good working atmosphere. Such soft features are very important,” explains Rafał Mazurczak. “We’ve reached the stage where we do not need to give our clients the technical specifications, since they assume that the most important systems will be of the highest quality in such buildings anyway. Like in Q22: the elevation of this building is triple – not double – glazed, it has caustic and thermic isolation, as well as efficient air-conditioning and ventilation systems. All of which adds up to savings and the highest grade of environmental certification, such as the BREEAM certification we use,” adds Rafał Mazurczak.


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