Occupier market hindering investment

“There are many investors and a great deal of capital chasing warehouse product. One of the challenges is that the occupational market has maybe not advanced as far as the capital market,” said Ben Bannatyne, the CEE managing director and regional head of Prologis.
Ben Bannatyne points out that despite the healthy situation on the capital markets, there has not been any huge increase in new demand for warehouse space. “There are a lot of people moving around within the existing parks, but newcomers from the market, with the exception of Amazon, are relatively few and far between at the moment. So we are really looking at a much larger volume of new demand on the market. There have been some significant large deals done, particularly in Poland and indeed across Central and Eastern Europe. I think we can expect more of this, particularly when the retail market in Poland improves,” said the CEE managing director and regional head of Prologis.


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