Will the Sunday shopping ban push retail property values down?

Strong-performing retail properties are amongst the most sought-after assets by investors. In 2017, they accounted for 37 pct or EUR 1.88 mln of Poland’s total investment volume, which surpassed EUR 5 bln. Outlet centres which typically generate most of their footfall at weekends may see a decrease in turnover levels. Theoretically, tenants could demand lower rents, but pressure on lower rental rates is unlikely due to strong occupier demand for retail space in prime locations. By contrast, food retailers won’t be affected by the Sunday trading ban as they will see an increase in sales on Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays. Café and restaurant operators may, however, record slightly lower revenue. Some tenants, particularly at less successful retail schemes, may be tempted to use the ban as a pretext to renegotiate rents. In capital terms, prices of strong-performing assets will prove resilient and attractive to prospective buyers while those of less successful schemes
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