Michał Marcinkowski

FB Serwis

Michał Marcinkowski
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Michał Marcinkowski, director of the HR and Communication Division at FB Serwis, has been appointed as a member of the company's management board. He joined the company in 2022 and is responsible for developing and implementing personnel policies for all companies within the group. At the same time, he oversees the work of the HR and Communication Division, which includes the HRBP and Personnel Projects Departments, Payroll and Administration, Marketing and Communication, and Central Administration.

Michał has over 25 years of professional experience in human resource management, gained at companies such as Orlen, Ruch, and PGE. He also serves as a mediator in collective disputes, registered with the Minister of Labor, Family, and Social Policy. He is a graduate of the University of Warsaw and SGH (Warsaw School of Economics).


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