Agata Kurcewicz


Agata Kurcewicz
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Agata Kurcewicz has joined the Incentives Advisory team at Colliers. As associate director, she will support the company's clients in obtaining public funding in the form of subsidies, preferential loans, tax exemptions or guarantees for, among other things, improving the energy efficiency of buildings, installing renewable energy sources or energy storage. Her tasks also include cooperation with financing institutions in order to adapt support mechanisms so that they are as attractive as possible for companies striving to achieve sustainable development goals.

Agata Kurcewicz is an expert with almost 20 years of experience in the field of public aid and external preferential financing from European, national and NMF funds. She has worked in both the public and private sectors, including at Deloitte and the Ministry of Regional Development. She has advised national companies and international corporations in the automotive, IT and energy (RES, energy efficiency, etc.) sectors on the financing of investment, innovation and research and development projects.

Agata Kurcewicz is an author, trainer and speaker on the subject of state aid and preferential financing, including EU funding. She graduated in economics from the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin and completed postgraduate studies (Project Management) at the Warsaw School of Economics.


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