Worth their weight in gold

Real estate specialists are that rare species which can afford to pick and choose from job offers and demand huge salaries – some of which have even doubled over the past year. Newcomers to the industry, despite their inexperience are already calling themselves specialists and being paid handsomelyThe real estate boom has generated a massive demand for specialists. Investment is taking place at a much faster rate than there are competent professionals appearing on the scene to facilitate them. And the construction sector has been undermined by the migration of workers to west European building sites. But the surge in demand also springs from another source.Beata Radomska, Cigno Consulting’s managing director, (a company which recruits workers to such industries as real estate and construction), believes that: “As the local market grows and matures the need has also arisen to employ workers with completely new competences. For instance, a few years ago, very few compan
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