Edition 5 (220) May 2017


On dreams coming true

Tamino had a magic flute and Papageno had a set of magic bells. I was watching this performance of Mozart at the National Opera in Warsaw and it made me think of the old Czechoslovak children’s serial Arabela, about a girl who only needed to turn a ring on her finger to make a dream come true. Who wouldn’t like to have such a precious artefact or at least a magical instrument? Something that would make life easier and more pleasant?

Ewa Andrzejewska
Office & mixed-use development

Busy spring at HB Reavis

POLAND/HUNGARY HB Reavis has received planning permission for its Agora office complex in Budapest and has already started with the construction work. Five office buildings, which are to be built in several stages, will offer over 136,000 sqm gla including 11,000 sqm of retail space.

Office & mixed-use development

Skanska wins in Łódź and Kraków

POLAND Skanska has presented its Brama Miasta project, which is to be located opposite the Łódź Fabryczna railway station. Two 15-storey office buildings will offer a leasable 40,000 sqm gla. Construction work on the first building with 27,500 sqm gla is planned to start in the first half of the year.


Still full steam ahead

POLAND After the record sales results for the fourth quarter of 2016 (as well as throughout the entire year), some housing market analysts were predicting a slowdown over the first three months of 2017. And now they are feeling embarrassed, because further records are still being broken. We have taken a look at those developers that recorded their highest sales in the first months of 2017.

Warehouse & industrial

The law of the land

Has the relaxing of regulations for cutting down trees on private land affected the land market for warehousing projects?

Interviewer: Tomasz Cudowski

Turning from Blu to Red

Apart from Kraków, and Vilnius, where in the CEE region are you planning to open the next Radisson Red?

Interviewer: Anna Pakulniewicz

Origin brings Canadian nursing care to Poland

POLAND Origin Polska, together with its parent company Origin Active Lifestyle Communities of Canada, is building a home for the elderly in Otwock-Soplicowo. It is also looking for locations for other projects that will also include nursing homes within mixed-use facilities.

Stock market report

Construction leads the sub-index pack

A few months of solid growth on the stock exchanges had been suggesting an inevitable adjustment. However, its scale turned out to be rather small. The mood of investors has clearly been boosted by the promising economic data coming from various parts of the world. In Poland, WIG-Construction has been the second best sub-index on the WSE, having grown by almost 30 pct since January


Putting up the rentals

If the mood on the market is anything to go by, the Polish apartments for rent sector is certain to be a success. It is expected to grow dramatically over the next few years

Rafał Ostrowski
Office & mixed-use development

A good tailor needed

Built-to-suit office buildings have been developed in Poland for a few years now, although until recently they could only be counted on the fingers of one hand. However, more BTS buildings have since been completed and others are in the pipeline. And this could herald a boom or at least a revival in the segment

Tomasz Cudowski

Treasure on the building site

Historical artefacts discovered during building work can sometimes lead to a rewriting of the history books. Even though they are mostly everyday objects, this does not mean that they can be simply thrown away. And if used the right way, they can even lend some prestige to a project

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski
Retail & leisure

An appetite that comes with the eating

In March, Pradera European Retail Parks, which is headquartered in Luxembourg, completed the purchase of 17 retail properties from Ikea in Germany, France and Poland as part of a deal worth EUR 900 mln. Under the deal, Pradera is also expected to buy eight parks in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Switzerland by the end of August 2017. We discussed the impact of the transaction on the company’s operations and its plans with Agata Brzezińska, the director of Pradera Central and Eastern Europe

Anna Pakulniewicz
Property management

The two who stole a slice

The advisory wing of Balmain Asset Management and Sharman Church Chartered Surveyors have agreed to form a new business, BSC Real Estate Advisors. Balmain AM will continue to trade separately continuing its focus on asset and investment management. We talked to the two prime movers behind the merger about its origins – and the future of both the companies and the market

Anna Pakulniewicz
Human resources

Together for a good cause

The Urban Land Institute celebrated its 80th anniversary last year. it has been present in Poland for four years, bringing together the people and organisations involved in the development of our cities. We discussed the directions the association is taking with the Polish management of ULI

Rafał Ostrowski

Blue buildings for a more understanding world

The Polish real estate sector took part in the global ‘Light It Up Blue’ campaign organised by the Synapsis foundation to raise awareness of autism on April 2nd. A total of 80 buildings across Poland were illuminated in blue during the event


Stranger from a strange land

It came to Warsaw… though, actually it’s not all that clear when. In fact, Warsaw was not to be found on any map at that time as in all probability there were no maps at all. All that is clear is that it came from the far North with the coming of the winter. Scientists call such travellers erratics but everyday people just call them glacial drop-stones. This one, however, is special

Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski


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