Turning with the wheels

There are more and more ads on billboards. Gazeta Wyborcza's jobs supplement gets thicker and thicker with employment offers. Ever more news about new projects and new leases of existing ones. These are signs that the wheels of the Polish economy are turning faster and faster. Although optimistic, many wonder if it will reach the same speed as it did in the 90's when in Poland we had a kind of El Dorado. At that time the property market saw developers signing USD 40 per sqm deals for buildings that existed only on the drawing board. Agents had exclusive representation contracts for buildings, general contractors were working flat-out on construction sites, and architects' telephones rang every five minutes. Will it be the same again? I am sure no one would mind, but I am afraid we are living in different circumstances. The market is more mature and so are the property players. Most of the companies interested in Poland have already established their offices here. So
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