Kopernik Office Buildings soon
to be enlarged
Liebrecht & wooD, the developer of office and retail space will soon
announce the enlargement of its Warsaw based Kopernik Office Buildings
complex. The developer recently managed to sign two new lease agreements.
The pharmaceutical company Merck will occupy almost 2,000 sqm in the current
building which was built in the second phase of development. The new office
building of the third phase will be constructed for HDS, who will take
almost 1000 sqm in February 2005. Cushman & Wakefield Healey & Baker
participated in this deal.
Andersia Tower - the construction starts
The Andersia Tower complex in Poznań (Western Poland), which will be
completed in 2006, took its first steps forward in May with the ground
breaking ceremony.
The project will be developed in two phases. Firstly the Andersia Tower
building will be constructed with 44,000 sqm of office, hotel and retail
space. T