Welcoming the competition

Is it important how big your customers are? Is developing warehouse schemes easier in Western Europe than in Poland? We discuss these questions with Hans van Luijken, the ProLogis Vice-President responsible for Central Europe and the head of the company in Poland What is your opinion of the Polish market in the long and short term? I am very optimistic. Why? I think with joining the EU there's going to be a lot of foreign investment coming here and a lot of western European companies will enter this market. There is great potential: not only in the industrial but also in the warehouse sector. I would expect a second wave of investment. But some analysts say we shouldn't expect too much, because any companies that wanted to invest in Poland are already here. Some are. But Poland has now passed the point of no return and that may encourage other foreign companies to come to this country. I think that some firms may now actually focus on Poland and Central Europe. The othe
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