Buy, develop and then, best of all, sell. This is the credo behind the next
stage Polish retail centres have moved to. Promenada and Reduta in Warsaw are
the prime examples
A retail developer's task does not end when a building is completed, tenants
are found, agreements signed and rents regularly collected. Increasing
competition, evermore demanding tenants, or the desire to double income, force
developers to constantly upgrade their property and extension is one of the
options. Experts claim that the market position of those centres which cannot be
further developed, perhaps because of the size of their plots, is becoming
significantly weaker with growing competition. One such example is Klif in
Warsaw which is bound to lose customers to the gigantic Arkadia under
construction nearby.
6,000 metres to begin with
TK Polska Operations announced the extension of its Reduta centre in Al.
Jerozolimskie (70,000 sqm) some time ago. At a time when Blue City across the