Very tender procedures

Tenders were created to make the procedure of selecting the best bids as unambiguous and uncontroversial as possible. Because of the frequent tensions between investors and participants however, tenders particularly public ones, don't enjoy the greatest of reputations in Poland. What could be the solution? Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe (PPL) Porty Lotnicze's selection of the main contractor for the development of Okęcie airport and ING Real Estate's decision as to who would build their retail complex, Złote Tarasy, are two recent examples of major tenders for construction work. The tenders followed quite different procedures, which is perhaps why, whereas the former tender commission's choice was disputed by the unsuccessful bidders, the latter did not experience any such problems. Problems with documentation "What is quite astonishing is the fact that major, respectable construction companies in Poland do a sloppy job preparing their tender documents. It is not u
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