TVP shows patience
Construction firm Pia Piasecki has been granted a
reprieve from its recent troubles by TVP, the state-owned television company.
A contract for a new car-park and office building, (of 16,000 sqm), will
go ahead despite a four-month delay in the construction, which had been scheduled
for completion in February 2003. TVP are keen to re-house its advertising
subsidiary, Biuro Reklamy, from Curtis Plaza to the new premises nearer its
headquarters and another schedule is to be drawn up with Pia Piasecki.
Mitex and Budimex the biggest
With an income around PLN 800 mln, Kielce-based company
Mitex was the most successful Polish constructor in 2001, according to the
list of 100 published by Murator. The next companies in the ranking were
Exbud Skanska, (PLN 620 mln) and Warbud, (PLN 500 mln.)
The largest capital group was found to be Budimex with an income of around
PLN 2.5 bln. Exbud Skan