Decrease of construction volume
The Euroconstruct association, has revealed that construction will
decline in Poland this year. This organisation, established in 1975, has research centres
in 19 Central and Western European countries.
According to Euroconstruct forecasts, the volume of construction and assembly works in
Poland - compared to the year 2001 - will fall by 6,8 percent. The industry is expected to
record an increase in coming years.
Construction of the Year 2001
Projects constructed by Mostostal Puławy, Interbud-West, Budimex
Unibud, Energopol 7 Poznań, Polnord Dom, Exbud Skanska Budownictwo, Polnord SA, Exbud
Skanska, the company Ekolog 1, Fougerolle/Mostostal Warszawa and Budimex Poznań,
won the 1st degree "Construction of the Year 2001' prizes in certain categories.
This competition is organised by the Polish Association of Construction Engineers and
Technicians togeth