Obligatory licenses?

Legislation obligating real estate agents to obtain a professional license was passed almost 4 years ago and then deferred. As of the start of 2002, however, real estate agents are required to hold a professional license and comply with other formalities, provided in provisions of the Law passed on August 21, 1997 on Real Estate Management (hereafter called the ,Law"). The fact that the Polish legal system got round to imposing such licensing should not be a surprise; investors need as much protection as they can get for their own peace of mind. We are all aware that real estate deals usually entail transfers of significant amounts of money. An added problem is that uncertainly surrounding the legal status of numerous properties requires particular awareness on the part of the agent who, after all, should be able to preliminarily identify potential problems and suggest legal advice. Therefore, under Polish law, it is also strongly recommended that real estate agenci
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