The sweet smell of success

Retail & leisure
Sephora currently has 92 stores in Poland. Will any be added to this total in 2014?
Gilles Dougoud, general director, Sephora Polska: This year we are planning to open several new stores. How many? This depends on the opportunities that arise. We currently have one confirmed location in the Atrium Felicity shopping centre [being developed by Atrium European Real Estate – editorial note] in Lublin. We are considering openings in two other malls, but the contracts have not yet been signed. Are you interested in entering malls that are already present on the market?Two potential locations for new stores that have not yet been confirmed by contracts are in centres that are already open. Of course, we expect fewer new mall openings in the future than over the last ten years, which is why our development will be focused on existing centres and remodelling our perfumeries in such locations. There is also another way – high streets. In Poland high streets are less popular and less developed than in other European countries. If cities here paid more attention to t
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