Time to buy a mini

I’ve been having trouble recently getting the words of Polish pop band Czarno-Czarni out of my head: “I want to see your legs, I want you to wear a miniskirt.” These are among the lyrics to their 1998 hit ‘Legs’.

The song is perhaps a little infantile, but when spring arrives, the sun is shining and the flowers start to appear, my imagination starts to wander... and the first association I made with this month’s special report was “I want to see your legs, legs, legs, I want you to wear a mini, miniskirt.” The key word is mini, which in the article is also connected with fashion, but this time it is mini shopping centres we are talking about. We have devoted a great deal of space to the subject of small shopping centres in the current issue (‘Minis Still in Fashion’, pp 54–61). In our part of the world it is both larger developers and local entrepreneurs who are blazing the trail in this field, as they set up chains of customer-friendly facilities. And the business is booming. Importantly, it is not only the customers of such retail centres who have acquired an appetite for shopping, but also investors – they have noticed that large funds have so far been focusing all their attention on products worth more than EUR 30–40 mln and so have neglected the less costly, smaller scale retail niche. Therefore it’s time for some spring shopping. I’m going to buy myself a mini and so is Mateusz Siejka of Palmer Capital (but in his case a mini shopping centre, not a skirt).
