When worlds collide

Idecided to do a quick survey: how many people in the editorial team shop online? All of them, although the frequency of such shopping differs.
How many people have such applications and use them? The record holder in my office has several dozen and she uses quite a lot of them. I only have a few, but it was when I was using one of them (Vivino) during our work on the November issue of the magazine, that something of a ruckus occurred in our small team. A wine a colleague had brought back from Greece for our delectation turned out not to be ambrosia of the gods. The application assessed the flavour of the drink (so-so), and so the price it was bought for turned out to be the right one... low. You do not actually have to be a wine connoisseur any more, all you need is a mobile phone with access to the internet. I know it has become something of a cliché to say this, but these two devices have changed our lives. They have also been changing the nature of shopping centres. Malls are now becoming places for meeting up and spending free time (claims Mikael Andersson of Inter
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