Shopping across the digital divide

Retail & leisure
There is no doubt that new technology has sparked a fundamental change in retail. The emergence of online shopping and omni-channel retailing have intensified the levels of competition and innovation on the market. They have also transformed the way physical retailers and shopping centre operators manage their businesses and properties for good
Just a few years ago many feared that the growth of e-commerce would mean the end of in-store retail operations. But as the biggest pure online players, such as Amazon and Zalando, now expand into the real world and open their first physical stores, it is clear that the death of bricks-and-mortar has been much exaggerated. Instead, physical stores have evolved into a vital piece of an advanced consumer-centred retail environment, profoundly impacting both retail tenants and landlords. While their ordering and fulfilment operations might be comprehensively sorted out, online merchants still have serious problems with finding virtual alternatives for real-life showrooms, fitting rooms, or face-to-face customer services. Neither digital store fronts (tested by EBay), nor pop-store stores (used by Zalando), nor specialised vending machines (launched by Amazon to sell e-book readers and tablets) have resolved this issue. Pain of transition “There are ce
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