The green office effect

There is no doubt that green office buildings have a positive influence on administrators and tenants as they benefit from the reduced environmental footprint and utility bills. But what about the buildings’ users? Could eco-friendly projects actually boost productivity and employee engagement? These and many other issues were addressed at the Office Space and Green Solutions conference recently held by Eurobuild CEE in Pałac Sobańskich in Warsaw
While it might be true that currently everyone wants to have multi-functional Google-like offices – and for all the usual reasons (including convincing employees of the company’s progressive attitude to improving its image), this sort of green, up-to-date fit-out is certainly not the last word when it comes to addressing the needs of the modern worker. In its latest study, premiered at the Eurobuild CEE conference, Savills has found that the essential elements of the ideal workplace tend to be rather more mundane: almost half of the people surveyed said that the most important thing for them in the office is their own desk, while 31 pct of respondents insisted that they would have better working conditions at home. Only 4 pct felt that common areas were the best possible places to work. At the same time, a staggering 91 pct of people said that workplace comfort contributes the most to their wellbeing at work. This was followed by such tradition
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