Back to retail basics

Today Polish shopping centres are still among the most modern retail facilities in the world. But the question remains: will they still be so advanced in a few years’ time? especially when Factors other than just supply and demand are having an increasingly significant impact on the market. And anyone in this business would be advised to take a closer look at them right now
The retail market in Poland is about to face some new challenges. Poles, who are slowly being overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of different goods on offer, have clearly sated their first cravings for purchases. They are now turning to managing their free time better and so are now often giving large shopping centres a wide berth. Even though the effects of these changes in behaviour will only really be visible in a dozen or more years, developers and shopping centre owners need to respond to them early. A passive approach now is likely to come back to haunt them in the future and could even store up serious difficulties. No turning back Over the last 25 years the Polish retail market has caught up with the West and the quality of retail facilities is now entirely up to European standards. Poles are very good consumers – they crave new things they’d like to have and buy. The success of shopping centres in Poland has been based on thes
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