Greener than the average office

Green projects
It has only been four years since the first office building in Poland was granted a green certificate and we have already become used to this becoming the standard. However, not many people know that the same time has passed since the certifying of the first interior. But in what might seem like a similar issue, the difference in numbers is now huge
Let’s imagine that we buy an ultra-modern sports car. Our racing machine is equipped with all the latest technical innovations, designed to make us feel like Vettel behind the wheel. After doing so, however, we then decline to take any advanced driving courses. It is possible to drive the car of course, even impress our friends in it, but our first circuit on a racing track will show us up for the amateurs we are. It would probably be better to leave such a car in the garage and show pictures of it to our friends, or possibly drive it to an aunt’s birthday party or go shopping in it. In a way, with offices it’s much the same. Forgotten certificates Leasing premises in a super-modern green building is only half the job. In order to fully utilise the possibilities your new office will provide, you need to make an effort and arrange it at least at the same level as the building it is located in. It is also worth knowing how to use it.
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