This year the mood was directly proportional to the amount of sunlight, which there was a great deal of. Even though the representation of the Polish retail market was not at full strength (there were fewer stands this time for developers from Poland), those who did come were in high spirits. An event organised before the start of the three-day marathon had a huge influence on this. Gemini Holding and the head of the company, Rafał Sonik, acquitted themselves well as hosts of the party, which attracted representatives of developers, retail chains, consultancies and many others – including us. Everything needed to have lots of fun with just a touch of business seriousness was laid on: the hospitality of the organisers, good music and, most of all, the warmth of the atmosphere, which could be sensed everywhere. Even though the halls buzzed with activity for the next three days, nobody complained about the long hours spent in business meetings. Besides, the Pa