Behind the facade

He had been reaching for his phone while the plane was still taxiing, but it wasn’t until he was boarding the shuttle bus that he got through to the number he dialled. “Sweetie, I’ve landed. Missing you already. You are my everything. I will call you in the evening. Kisses, my love,” he told her, beaming with joy. overhearing this from the next passenger seat, I was just about to say how nice it was to hear people talking to each other this affectionately in public… when Sweetie No.2 called
The almost film-like welcoming scene in the arrival hall that followed (the only thing missing was the overblown soundtrack) left little doubt about what I’d just heard. But the intention of this column is not to moralise about anyone. It will not be a rant on those who indulge in polyamorous pursuits. Oh, no – heaven can wait. No judgement to be found here. In fact, I think what that man had taken on is worth admiring! In a way, of course. A double love-life must be a whole heck of hard work. Just think about it: twice as much grocery and shopping to do, as well as double the leaking taps to repair and lawns to mow. And that’s on top of the non-stop anxiety of existing in minefield-like environment. So there’s nothing to envy in all this – except maybe the self-discipline needed for that kind of lifestyle. Certainly, many could be envious of the kind of integrity (sic!) needed for it. Starting with the members of Polish Parli
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