Sisters are doing it – but together

Human resources
A truce between women is called friendship. True or false? Those working in the property sector, who have just established the Association of Women in Real Estate in Poland (WIREP), would certainly deny this! They actually do seem to like and support each other
Ewa Andrzejewska, ‘Eurobuild Central & Eastern Europe’: Is the Association of Women in Real Estate already up and running? Renate Kremer: The association is already operating, but informally. On December 3rd last year, all the necessary documentation was submitted, and this was additionally supplemented at the beginning of January. Unfortunately, I do not have any specific information about when it will be formally registered. We are waiting to be entered on the National Court Register [KRS], because without this we cannot draw up the membership forms without it, we can’t organise formal events or sign sponsorship contracts, and so on. I hope that we will manage to get everything sorted very soon. But the key question is, what was the association established for? Katarzyna Jasińska: The forming of this association is a natural consequence of the changing position of women in business as well as their thinking about their work. Instead of mainly relying on t
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