We are now seeing the world through the prism of social media. This is the place that young people now inhabit, but it is not just kids you can find there. Increasingly often we are checking our updates and messages at breakfast time and in the evening before we go to sleep. Even during sex. 12 pct of American mums born between 1977 and 1994 are now using their mobile phones during lovemaking (Meredith’s Parents Network study of 2012). And what are they doing when they log in? They are posting messages, liking posts, sharing links – basically, all the functions you can find on Facebook. Perhaps they are not asking their friends to recommend the coolest place to live or for an evaluation of a developer’s credibility at that very moment, but who knows? Are residential developers getting the most out of Facebook and other social media such as YouTube, Twitter and Pinterest? Is it worth investing time and money on this? And if it is, how should it be done?
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