It was good, it’s now even better

Stock market report
The sector indexes have recently been higher than the broader market indexes. WIG-Construction has gained nearly 25 pct since the beginning of the year compared to the very slight movements on both main indexes. Meanwhile, the global stock exchanges were turning green
A few factors contributed to an improvement of the mood on the financial markets. A truce was agreed in Ukraine, and even though the end of the conflict is still some way off and the threat of an escalation in Russia’s interference remains realistic, the situation in Eastern Europe did not frighten off investors. Fuel prices bounced and improved the prospects of that sector, which could be seen across the stock exchanges. In addition, the programme to pump money into the economy has started in Euroland, through the redemption of EUR 60 bln of treasury bonds per month by the Central European Bank, while the US has very good economic prospects as well as prospects for maintaining rapid economic growth compared to other developed countries. For the Eurozone, the continuing likelihood of Greece defaulting on its debt is certainly being regarded as a threat, pulling the indexes down once again. In Poland there was the unexpected reduction of interest rates – the main rate came d
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