Shadow and light

As they do every year, in November representatives of the retail sector met on the French Riviera. This Mapic meeting, however, was quieter and more subdued due to the attacks in Paris. Was it worth going to Cannes? Those who attended invariably claim that it was definitely worth it – and the list of reasons for this is long
Between November 18th and November 20th, the Côte d’Azur was taken over by people connected with the retail business: the representatives of retail chains, consultants, developers, architects... These included regular visitors (e.g. Aleksandra Zentile-Miller, director of Chapman Taylor) and newcomers (e.g. Marcin Baczewski, also of Chapman Taylor). “Is it worth going to Mapic? The answer is always the same – yes, it is. Why? Among other things because the intensity of the contacts and relations gives them greater dynamism – this generates energy and requires creativity; while the interaction of representatives of various parties and sectors often creates a new quality. This inspires and engenders ad hoc ideas. It is always worth seeing what others are doing and how they are doing it: you can and should see the new stuff, get a feel for the trends, find out what makes the market tick and what its immediate and more distant future will be l
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