Bringing up baby

We watch them from the very first day. We follow their progress and keep our fingers crossed for their future development. Who are we talking about? Properties. They are like children to their owners – and because Children’s Day falls in June, I have decided to devote a few words to them at the end of this issue
Real estate is first of all a business. There’s not much to disagree with in that statement. However, if you put this way of looking at it on the backburner for a moment, you will be able to see what I meant in the lead into this text. In Warsaw we recently had the opportunity to admire the birth of a new office building. The gala to celebrate its opening, and the obvious joy felt towards this new addition to the real estate family, was reminiscent of the affection that parents feel towards their offspring. And this is the case every time a new building appears on the map. Developers want to show off the fruits of their work and they want them to do well. When the time comes for the buildings to “fly the nest” and make their own way in the world, just like parents they want this to be at the right time. However, they will certainly never stop keeping an eye on how they get on. Even afterwards, when the situation requires it, they will intervene, provide support and ta
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