Cool in Cannes

The MAPIC 2016 trade fair opened on November 16th, as always, in Cannes. The hectic three days that followed gave real estate people the possibility to learn more about the latest trends in retail from around the world and meet everyone they are not able to every day. And the number of meetings reached those you normally have in half a year – according to one Polish developer
This year, as usual MAPIC really started with a party held the night before the official opening. Maybe most of those there for the fair were at the official party in the Majestic hotel, but for the chosen few there was also the Polish party, which was held in the heart of the Cannes marina, near the Festival Palace next to the port authority office. Three companies – developers Gemini Holding, Mayland Real Estate and sports clothing brand 4F – were the hosts of the event. Apart from opportunity to meet a vast section of the retail market, we were also celebrating the official tenth birthday of Mayland. This involved a huge cake, Polish hospitality, French wine, international food and music, a dance floor for us to generate some much-needed body heat on, and a great deal of chat about business as well as less official topics. It was also the fourth time such a party was held, but the previous events had been organised solely by Kraków-based Gemini Holding. And the weather
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