At the end of last year, many people were probably looking back fondly at 2017 – a year of double-digit growth for the world’s main indexes, when there were no real shocks and market volatility was at a minimum. The US and euro zone economies were both thriving as low interest rates persisted. Unfortunately, 2018 turned out to be quite a different story altogether, as all the major indexes registered losses. The US stock exchanges were the strongest relatively speaking, only suffering single-digit declines. This was mainly due to the continued acceleration of the American economy, which remained vigorous despite monetary policy being tightened. Unemployment has been held in check and consumer sentiment remains high. The main threat to growth is the trade war between the US and China; but as some analysts have noted, it is not having as serious an impact on either of the two economies as it is on emerging markets. The Chinese economy has been slowing down for several quarter