Tomasz Szpyt-Grzegórski, ‘Eurobuild CEE’: How was 2018 for you?
Paweł Dębowski, a partner at Dentons and head of the European real estate law team: It was special. The first three months were slightly slower, but then there was an accumulation of activity. It was a record year on the investment market – well over EUR 6 bln in turnover – and we didn’t see that coming. What’s equally important is that it doesn’t seem like this year will be any worse, although anything can happen and disrupt the economic situation. On the other hand, we already have around EUR 2 bln in turnover in deals contracted for H1.
Q1 and H1 are usually calmer periods...
There are several deals that have been moved from 2018 and will be finalised in the first few months of this year.
What were the most important events of 2018?
There are probably a few candidates: the total value of transactions and the entry of new investors – Asian capital is likely to be th