Still looking up

Stock market report
The first quarter of the year is coming to quite a good end on the Warsaw Stock Exchange – all the major indexes have risen since the beginning of the year, and those for the real estate sector have grown by more than 10 pct. This is a good sign when considering the number of question marks that dog the global economy
Other European trading floors also have not missed out on such rises. The CAC40 in Paris and the British FTSE rose by 14 pct and 8 pct respectively over the quarter. Despite concerns about the Eurozone’s most important economy, the German stock exchange has also seen a respectable 10 pct rise since the beginning of the year. This seems optimistic as the most important decisions affecting the global economy still lie ahead. The expected trade-agreement between the US and China should probably result in further increases – companies would be very likely to forecast better results and as a result there would be significantly more buyers. But the second unknown is Brexit – where the jostling continues as the original Brexit date has been postponed. The British government is standing its ground even though the UK parliament has already twice rejected the agreement it negotiated. Those who support staying in the EU are growing in strength (and in the number of petition s
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