Poznań – the perfect place to invest in

At mipim Poznań showcased two highly attractive real estate investment opportunities. The Wolne Tory site in the city centre is to become a new district, while the former industrial elektrociepłownia site is ripe for redevelopment
In the words of Bartosz Guss, a deputy mayor of Poznań, Wolne Tory is “about 100 ha that can be developed and transformed into modern, multifunctional urban space. The property was formerly part of a railway station. Now, in this same location, the city of Poznań is planning to create a new green district of the city.” This former railway land that lies between the city’s Wilda and Łazarz districts has immediate access to the city’s railways. Considering this, it came as no surprise that when the city chose to launch the project at MIPIM – the most prestigious trade fair for the real estate sector, which took place in Cannes in March – it generated considerable enthusiasm among potential investors. The city also showcased the site of Elektrociepłownia Garbary [the former Garbary Heat and Power Plant], which is a 10 ha property on the banks of the river Warta. Many of the original buildings from the 1920s still remain on the 10 ha site. The plans
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